Sending out email campaigns are a great way to engage with your audience, but do you know how to effectively measure whether or not they are producing the return on investment (ROI) you are looking for? With data-driven marketing growing at a global level, it’s important for marketers to know how to measure, monitor and optimise their marketing efforts effectively.
We’ll unpack some of the key metrics you need to look at when trying to identify whether your campaigns are successful or not.
Key email marketing metrics and what they mean:
Open Rate
An open rate is a number that shows you the number of people who opened your email divided by the number of subscribers who got the email.

What this metric shows you:
An open rate is a great measure to see how effective your subject lines have been as well as your address field. Being able to capture people’s attention from the get-go is crucial to ensure you create a compelling campaign.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Your CTR is the number of subscribers who clicked on your in-mail links (links in your campaign) out of all people who actually got your message.

What this metric shows you:
Using links to drive visitors to your site is part of what will drive sales for your business (which is probably why you’re sending emails to start with). If you see that you have a low CTR, you may want to test alternative placements for your links and look at changing your copy to guide people towards clicking on the links.
Click to Open Rate (CTOR)
CTOR measures the number of clicks with respect to the number of openings.

What this metric shows you:
An open rate is a great measure to see how effective your subject lines have been as well as your address field. Being able to capture people’s attention from the get-go is crucial to ensure you create a compelling campaign.
Bounce Rate
Your bounce rate is the percentage of your email addresses that returned an error after being sent.

What this metric shows you:
There are multiple reasons why bounces can occur and two types of bounces namely a hard bounce and a soft bounce. A hard bounce is a permanent bounce that is generally due to invalid/non-existent email addresses, whereas a soft bounce could be due to an inbox being full or a temporary server error. If you see a high bounce rate it could be caused by using an old subscription list where the email addresses in the list are no longer active.
List Growth Rate
Your list growth rate is exactly what it says, the rate at which your subscription list is growing.

What this metric shows you:
This metric shows you how your subscriber base is growing over a selected time period helping you know how to prioritise your email marketing efforts. If you don’t see steady growth in your subscriber base, you may want to promote your email newsletter on social media, test a new sign up form or even do a discount offer in exchange for email subscriptions.
Forward Rate
Your Forward Rate is the rate at which your email campaigns are being shared.

What this metric shows you:
Do you know how shareable your content is? Your forward rate can give you an indication. It’s a good metric to track over time to see what content resonates with your audience.
Unsubscribe Rate
An unsubscribe rate is the rate at which you lose subscribers due to unsubscribes from your list.

What this metric shows you?
A healthy unsubscribe rate should stay at low levels, less than 2%, and the number of unsubscribed users should always be lower than the number of new users. You can use this metric to gauge how well your content is doing and what your subscribers like.
Opens by device
This metric breaks down how many opens you have on your campaigns by the device type your subscriber is using.
What this metric shows you:
Knowing how many of your subscribers are using which device, can help you make more informed design decisions as you’ll be able to account for things like screen size and layout.
Additional tracking you can add to your campaigns:
A good addition to tracking and measuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns is to add Google’s UTM Tracking to your campaigns. Taking time to configure this type of tracking within your campaigns can help you compare different campaigns to see how subscribers behaved when receiving your campaigns.
Tracking your email campaigns is essential to optimise and improve your performance in a structured way. This ensures that you are getting the best return on investment for the time and money you invest in your email marketing. Don’t forget that you can easily view and download your campaign reports in Mail Blaze by viewing them online or exporting them.