Managing email marketing for your clients?

Email marketing is a great channel to add to your client’s marketing mix. Not only is it cost-effective, but it’s also easy to manage and offers incredible returns on your investment. A win for you and a win for your client. You may already be running successful campaigns across paid media and social media platforms, but struggle to keep performance stable with algorithm changes and platform updates. Email can help you create a stable marketing channel for your client that they can continue to build on.

Let’s talk about why you should propose this channel to your client.

1. The data!

Data you can gather for your client through email marketing remains theirs - forever! (or until the subscriber unsubscribes). This is not true for other channels that are part of the marketing mix. Social media for example is a channel that is ever changing but relies heavily on data being held by the platform themselves. What does this mean? Well as platforms make adjustments to their policies or algorithms your control over how you use and distribute your content through these channels diminishes. Email on the other hand has been around for ages and is a personalised channel that almost 98% of people use.

2. Budget-friendly

Other marketing channels have largely become pay-to-play spaces. This means to get seen and get your message out there you need to spend money to achieve the results you are trying to achieve. Email on the other hand is very budget friendly, largely just requiring you to pay a monthly fee or pay per email you send out.

3. Easy to implement and execute

Email marketing is one of the easiest marketing channels (with one of the best returns on investment) to implement and execute as part of your marketing mix. Using Mail Blaze you are able to build your list, design beautiful emails with an easy-to-use interface, and send out your campaigns.

How would we recommend you manage the email marketing process for clients?

Goal setting

Like any business relationship, it’s really important to start on the right foot by setting reasonable goals and setting the expectations upfront. Have open conversations about:

  • How you are going to help them grow their subscriber base
  • What they want to achieve by emailing their existing list. It’s important to be specific about their goals.
  • What value will this channel hold for them
  • Who is their target audience
  • How can you make email marketing relevant for them?

Content and Design of the campaign

The most important part of your campaign might seem like the design, but it’s actually the subject line and content. A captivating subject line is crucial to get people to open your email and engage with your content.

Make sure you give enough information in your subject line so that people will want to open your email, but not too much that they don’t need to open the campaign to find out more. You will want to create an email template that supports your content and makes it shine. Furthermore you need to account for different email clients in your design, like Outlook, that renders design elements differently.

Always ensure that your content adds value to subscribers and isn’t just about what’s in it for you, but rather the reader. A good question to ask when evaluating your content is to pretend that you are the subscriber and ask yourself: “what’s in it for me?” Would I want to complete the desired action if I received this email?

TIP: Make sure you are discussing an email marketing strategy with your client that doesn’t just contain promotional/sales content as this can annoy your audience. Email is such a personal communication channel and therefore you need to create connections with your subscribers.

For more information about your email templates you can reference these articles:

Eek, my email looks horrible in Outlook, what do I do?

Building your email templates

Audience Segments

Now that you’ve created your content and your email design is looking spick and span - you need to create your audience segments. It’s a common mistake to treat your audience exactly the same. Segmentation can help you personalise a subscriber’s experience with your brand and help you establish more credibility and trust. A good starting point to segment your audience is to actually find out from your client what they know about their customers and their buying habits. Any data that you can gather from your client will help you understand the audience you are targeting better.

There are many ways to segment your audience and you need to ensure that you apply proper segmentation to your campaign.

For more information about segmentation refer to the segmentation section on our thinking page.

Set up for Success: Pre-Go-Live Checks

Now that you’ve developed your template, focused on who this content will speak to, you will set up your campaign ready to send out. Before you send you’ll want to do extensive testing.

  • We recommend going through our content checklist to make sure you have ticked all the content boxes you need to check.
  • Next you will want to send yourself test emails and check them in different email clients (Gmail, different Outlook version, Mail for Mac etc).
  • Get your client to formally sign off the complete email before you hit send.
  • Once everything is all check and approved you can now send your campaign.

How did we do - Analytics

It’s really common for clients to ask you for stats right after you hit send. Resist the urge! People check their emails at different times of the day and might also be out of office when you send, which means that your stats might not look great within the first 24 hours from when you send. We recommend giving your campaign up to 72 hours before you start looking into your analytics. You will want to check that your campaign has been sent (100%) to everyone once it’s gone through though.

Focus on presenting how your campaign has done when providing reports, but make sure to include the steps you will take to keep enhancing future campaigns. This includes recommendations of ideas you want to try or tests you want to run. Always keep a section of your report for learnings and opportunities to keep adding value to your clients while managing their campaigns.

Mail Blaze Tips:

We live by the mantra that our platform helps people connect, create and cultivate exceptional email marketing experiences. Managing a client’s email marketing activities can be extremely rewarding and challenging at the same time. Try and get to know as much as you can about their target audience and their needs to ensure your campaigns are well received and meet their goals.

What are your top tips when it comes to managing email campaigns for clients?


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